About Us

Our herd started in 1928 when Ann’s father, Wayne Lacock, purchased his first registered Angus cattle. Wayne was well known for his quality cattle and sold bulls from New York to Washington and from Alabama to Michigan. He bred and raised Atlas Marshall, a bull that sold in 1969 for $50,000 for 1/3 interest. This was the record selling bull in the state of Iowa for many years.

When Ann and Jim got married in 1976, Ann brought 15 head of Angus cows with her.
Over the years, the herd increased in number. We now run about 600 females with about 300 calving in the spring and 300 calving in the fall.
At Werner Family Angus, our faith is important to us. We thank God that our business has grown, that our children live nearby, that we live in a caring and Christian community, and that we can all work together doing what we love.

Jim and Ann Werner live in their new house a mile north of the “headquarters” east of Diagonal, IA. Jim admits that he is semi-retired, but he still enjoys working with the cattle and his grandkids. Ann has stepped back to let the next generation take over. She still helps when needed and plays an active role in developing the breeding plan.

Craig and Becky (Werner) Hays, Lindsay, Jessica, and Cody now live in Pierce, CO. Craig has transitioned from scanning to working for a large seedstock operation. Becky owns UltraInsights, one of the 3 certified ultrasound processing labs in the country.

Will and Bonnie (Werner) Larson, Rhett, Matt, and Abby live east of Diagonal, Iowa. Will farms and has a commercial cattle herd. They also run several head of grass calves where they are able to utilize the benefits of rotational grazing. Bonnie is in charge of the Angus paperwork and bookkeeping for Werner Family Angus and Werner Feed Efficiency.

Clint, Marci, and Ashtyn Werner live south of Diagonal, Iowa. Clint is in charge of the crops at Werner Family Angus as well as being the master mechanic. He plays a major role in the cattle operation and co-owns Werner Feed Efficiency with Joe. Marci works with several confinement barns in Southwest Iowa and assists with their manure management. She also finds time to help out on the farm during the busy days.

Joe and Heather Werner, Jake, Emma, Ty, and Brook now live at the home place. Joe manages the cattle and the grass and co-owns Werner Feed Efficiency with Clint. Heather keeps busy with the little ones and cooks meals for the crew during the week.