A couple weekends ago I spent Friday helping work cattle. We had to brand and ultrasound 100 bulls.
As it turned out I ended up ultrasounding them while the rest were branding. It was a good day and as luck would have, we were done by dark! 😊
Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Clint, and Uncle Joe ran the number brands on this side.
Oh, funny story! So, you can see from the pictures that everyone had to be pretty cozy. Well, after branding on Thursday there was a new rule created… Everyone MUST shower and put deodorant on BEFORE branding. Lol! I think everyone followed the rules on Friday, because I didn’t hear any complaints. And when you’re working with family, they’ll be the first ones to tell you.
Emma came out after school to help too.
Aunt Bon and I were on the other side. She did the ranch brand and I scanned them.
Ultrasounding went well! It was the first time I’d done 100 head in one scan session. I was happy to get another 100 head under my belt! Hopefully it just keeps getting easier from here on out.
Grammy worked the back and kept bulls to us! She did a great job!
I’ll leave you with a smile! 😊
Hope everyone has a good day!