Aunt Bon was out on her walk about the other day when she came across this surprise. Now, yes, it is winter and yes it has been fridged out but who knew a water tank could look like a winter …
Luke and Lindsay’s Wedding
We are SO excited to announce that Luke and Lindsay are married! Here are some pictures from the rehearsal and the special day! After the wedding, they traveled to Arkansas for their honeymoon. We can’t wait to hear about that …
Thanksgiving Week Cattle Work
One afternoon last week, Lindsay had some cattle to work at the Beef Center and these kiddos were lucky enough to get to help. (Yes, Brookie is the only one that looks happy in this picture, but deep down inside …
2024 Fall
This week we started the fall cows. Aunt Bon would get the ID of the cows, find it on her paper, and then relay the info to Uncle Joe and Uncle Clint. Here are some pictures from the day. …
Happy Thanksgiving
We are all so very thankful for our friends, family, community, and customers. So we thought it would be fun to ask some of the family what else they are thankful for this Thanksgiving. Hope you enjoy and have a …
Working Larson Grass Calves
A couple weeks ago we worked Uncle Will and Aunt Bon’s heifers that were on grass. Uncle Will called them in with the tractor and feeder. Then Matt and Jacob followed them in. Andrew and Matt kept the cattle in …
Moving Heifers to Stalks
This week we moved the spring Heifers to corn stalks. Grampy got them out of the pen, while I turned them at the road, and Grammy was ahead of them to turn them into the field. These girls did a …
Angus Convention
Grammy and Grampy went to the Angus Convention this past weekend. It was held in Fort Worth, Texas, this year so they had a long drive. They enjoyed the presentations and visiting with everyone. Grampy is one of the 12 …
Receiving ICA Bulls
We received the ICA (Iowa Cattlemen’s Association) bulls this week. (“We” is a very loose term as I just showed up, took some pictures, and went on with my day:). There were lots of trucks and trailers in and out …
Exciting Weekend
Cody competed at the American Royal 4-H Livestock Judging Competition this past weekend. Craig, Becky, and Jessica were able to go down for the awards and supper that evening. Cody got 2nd high individual! He is pictured here with his …