Christmas Blog by: Lindsay Hays

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

We were blessed enough this season to have our normal family morning Christmas brunch. We did have one more guest that we hadn’t had with us for several Christmases. Great Grandma Lois was able to participate in the gathering. I think she enjoyed it, and it had been several years since she’d experienced a full blown crazy Christmas morning with lots of family and kids!

Breakfast is always delicious!

And after everyone eats their fill, the real chaos starts to happen! Our present opening is one big free for all.   The kids place everyones’ presents in their own pile. Then the wrapping and tissue paper starts to fly! There are all sorts of excited ooo’s and awe’s. Then once everyone has unwrapped, we go around in an orderly fashion (this may be the only thing that our family knows how to do orderly 😊) and tell what we got.

It’s real fun!!!

See what I mean by chaos???

I love this picture! I think I could have just showed this picture alone and conveyed the message of the day! We were able to celebrate the birth of Jesus surrounded by family, food and “organized” chaos. What more could one ask for!

I hope all of you had a good holiday season and remembered why we celebrate CHRISTmas in the first place!