It was a gorgeous fall day yesterday. One of those days you just have to stop and thank God for. We’d had a string of dreary, damp, cool days, but yesterday was perfect. The sun was shining, it was warm, and the fall colors were really beginning to show up. Plus, it was too wet to combine beans, so we had a truly relaxing Sunday!
Will and I decided to drive through a pasture of fall cows. We are well into our fall calving season, so it didn’t take long to find lots of babies.
The cows and calves were very content and seemed to be enjoying the day, too.
And apparently we weren’t the only ones who thought it was a nice day for a drive (ride) as we met Mom and Dad out doing the same thing.
However, they did mention that Clint had gotten the auger wagon stuck just over the hill and that he was having a heck of a time getting it out. We all decided if he really needed our help he would have called…right?