First Week of School

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

It’s hard to believe, but the first week of school is already behind us! The kids had a good first week and I think they are getting settled back into the routine of things. It’s been a little rough on us adults, however, as half of our workforce is gone. We’re already thinking we may have to keep a few of them home for a day this week to help us work some cattle…just kidding. (I think.)

Here they are getting into Papa Jim’s “school bus.” Dad has driven the kids to school since I can’t remember when and I don’t know who enjoys it more…the kids or Dad. This particular morning, Dad had locked the doors on the truck so the kids had a fair chance at their game. See it’s boys against girls and whichever team gets in and buckled up first wins. I can’t remember how the game got started, but it sure gets them out of the door in a hurry!

After Dad drops the kids off at school, he heads up to the gas station to visit with the guys and find out what’s going on in the world. It’s a pretty solid routine and it really throws him off if he doesn’t get to take the kids to school.