Fun in Colorado

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

A bunch of the Werner clan headed to Colorado last week for Spring Break. Oh, did we have fun! This was just before the travel restrictions and social distancing came into play, which was a good thing, because there were 15 of us and we were never very distant.

On Sunday, we toured Leachman Cattle of Colorado, which is where Craig works. It was neat to see! (Heather and I decided we needed this table:)

We also had a very awesome at-home church service on Sunday. You see, the kids were supposed to play for Cowboy Church the following Sunday at the Leachman sale, so we thought it would be great if they just performed for us as practice. (Cody, get your tongue in your mouth;) They did an awesome job.

And we got to go to church in our comfy clothes!

But the best part of the church service was the “sermon.” Well, we didn’t actually have a sermon, we just went around the room and gave a favorite scripture reading or personal testimony. It was moving. There were tears, but it was such a great reminder of all that God has done and will continue to do in our lives. POWERFUL!

And then we just hung out and had a good time.

Sunday afternoon, Craig took Heather, Lindsay, Jake, Brook, and Emma to the mountains.

Jake was so excited! He really wanted to see the mountains in Codorado. (That’s how he and Ty say Colorado…cracks me up.)

I let Jake take my camera so he could get some great pictures. I told him to make sure he had people in his pictures because I get tired of scenery pictures.

I had about twenty-seven pictures like this…

Or this. Jake really loved the scenery.

He was able to get a couple “people pictures” of his sweet sister, however, who got car sick on the way (darn Werner stomach…Aunt Beck and completely relate.)

Emma was not a fan of the mountains.

We did tons more stuff, but I forgot to take my camera 97% of the time, so you’ll just have to use your imagination.

But we all had a wonderful time and can’t wait to go back!

Have a great day!