A few weeks ago, the girls decided to have a “Girls Night” in which we would all dress up, do our hair and makeup, and eat a fancy supper. And considering we live on a cattle ranch and seldom get gussied up for any occasion, and we are more often seen…
Covered in something other than makeup, it was a memorable evening.
The younger girls had so much fun with the hair and makeup thing. After they got themselves done up,
They worked on us older ladies.
And before we knew it, it was time to eat.
We had a scrumptious menu of faux filet mignon,
Fried green beans,
Tomato/basil cheese bread (which was delicious), along with several other fixin’s.
And Apple Turnovers for dessert. Yummy!
By the end of the meal we had decided a few things. One, we were stuffed. Two, we needed servants, and three, I needed to wear something other than tshirts all summer and it wouldn’t hurt if I did some arm exercises.
After supper we retired to the veranda (I’ve always wanted to say that. And technically it isn’t a veranda, but it just sounds so sophisticated!) and visited and enjoyed the evening.
(I think all ladies sit with their feet propped up on stools, slouched back in lawn chairs and wear socks with their dresses, right? Good. We wouldn’t want to commit any fashion faux pas or anything.)
Then Grampy came home and somehow he had missed the memo that a dinner party was being held at his establishment so imagine his surprise when he found all of us. HA! Now, he thought the whole thing was a little odd, be we didn’t let that slow us down. And we even let him sit out and visit with us even though he wasn’t dressed for the occasion. Aren’t we just the nicest sophisticates?
Have a great day!