Remember when you were young and you didn’t have anything to do and you’d go tell your mom you were bored and there wasn’t anything to do and she would reply, “Go fly a kite.”
And you’d think that was a really good idea until you realized you didn’t have a kite and that was just your mother’s way of telling you to, well, go fly a kite.
Well, Saturday was one of those days. And actually, the kids weren’t bored at all. Ty was hanging out with us and it was a windy day and he wondered if he could go fly a kite.
“What a great idea!” I said.
So he and Abby ventured out in the yard to give it a try.
They had a lot of fun and were quite successful at getting the kite off the ground even though this picture doesn’t show it.
Then, I looked out again and there was Ty with is pants around his ankles, “making water.” Cracked me up! Unfortunately, I had just put my camera away because that picture would have put a smile on your face this morning.
Enjoy the beautiful day!
Comments 1
Yep…I turned around for one second and another second There went his pants!!