It’s hard to believe that eleven years ago today, this little whipper snapper entered this world.
And boy am I glad he did. I sure love this kid.
He’s handsome.
He’s athletic. (All first basemen wear cowboy hats, right?)
He loves (to pick on) his brother.
He’s funny.
He likes to raise bottle calves. (He even broke one to ride.)
He’s a fun cousin and friend.
He adores his sister. No, really. He does. In fact, I overheard him tell a friend something one time that cracked me up. You see, his friend was saying how his little sister could be annoying and how she was always bothering him and getting into his stuff. Then Matt said, “Huh. My little sister’s more like my servant. She usually does whatever I ask her to.” And I rolled my eyes… because it is so true.
He’s a cowboy.
And best of all, he’s ours.