HLC Bull Sale

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

By: Lindsay Hays

Last weekend we had our bull sale.  It was actually at our house and office this year which meant we had a kitchen right by us!  It has been years since we’ve had that convince.  It was a nice day considering the winter we have had.  It didn’t snow, it wasn’t horribly windy, it was in the double digits, and the sun was shining!  Here are some pictures from the day.

Getting everything frosted!

The bulls are in their pens ready to sell! But before that, we got to eat some lunch.

Jessica, Abby, and Ainsley Watkins (a friend from church) are making sure everything stays stocked!

Here’s a cute picture of Ty and Sam eating lunch outside…

While everyone else was inside!

Here Dad and Emma decided they would go pet one of the bulls in the pen! The bull just stood there and enjoyed the rubbing.

Ty picked out a really nice red bull that he liked! His Aunt prodded him to go ask Uncle Craig if he could have the bull. Ty walked up there and asked, but Dad had just sold him. So Ty went and asked the lady that bought him if he could have the bull. She told Ty that he could come over to their place and see the bull if he wanted! Poor Ty. I think he has a promising eye for cattle though!

And then we come to this picture… It belonged to Jakey’s hand. We had one of those big heaters set up by the tables to keep everyone warm, and Jake’s glove must have gotten a little close. Thankfully Aunt Heather smelled the burning before it got to Jake’s fingers and ripped his glove off! Nice save!

I think everybody had a good time! Thanks to everyone who came, and everyone who lent a helping hand!

Have a great day!