June: Week One


The first week of summer vacation was great!  We got tons of work done…which is good because we have lots of work to do.

It seems like we spent most of the week moving cows, working cows, putting up hay, spraying thistles, and going to ballgames (okay, maybe it’s just the kids and me going to ballgames.)

We are getting geared up for spring breeding and are planning to A.I. around 150 cows and 120 heifers plus turn some straight out to the bull so we’ve been moving cows around, synchronizing, sorting, etc.

So far things have been going very smoothly.  (Minus the time Grampy got too close to a low-hanging branch and got knocked off his horse, but that’s a different story.  And he’s fine.  Thankfully.)

We have another full week of cattle work ahead, so pray that everything goes well and that we all stay safe.

Hope all is well with you!

Have a great week!