Monday Meals

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

I was running out of meal ideas last week so I thought I better do another blog to get my cognitive processes going.

Beef Pot Pie

Okay, I was on the Pioneer Woman’s website last week and on her Food and Friends tab they had a delicious beef pot pie recipe. I made it for my family and it got a 4 out of 5 stars. (Meaning 4 of the 5 members of my family liked it. It is very seldom I get a 5 out of 5. Lol)

It made a big batch so I even had leftovers for the AWANA kids on Wednesday night. And I thought it was just as good the second time.

Chipped Beef Gravy over Biscuits

I must have biscuits on the brain.

I remember in grade school that biscuits and gravy was one of my favorite school lunches. Of course, I actually remember liking most of our school lunches, so maybe I’m just easy to please, who knows?!

Chipped beef gravy at our house is pretty simple. It’s one of those meals I make when we get home late from ball practice or working cattle as it takes little time to prepare. I just throw some frozen Grands biscuits in the oven (though you could sure make your own!) then I make a simple white sauce, add cut up pieces of dried beef, salt and pepper to taste, and voila! Chipped beef gravy over biscuits. Frozen peas and cottage cheese go really well with this and again, take no time to get on the table. You can save this for one of those nights when you don’t have much time, or have it tonight!


You can’t beat a good ole hamburger. And you wouldn’t have to put the caramelized onion and blue cheese on top, but why not? That looks delicious! I’ve been on a blue cheese kick lately and find myself just snacking on it straight out of the package. That’s normal, right? Cause Will looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

Hamburgers are one of the few 5 out of 5 meals around here. I love to have mine with corn on the cob and fresh tomatoes from the garden…but we’re several months away from that luxury. But it is warm enough to grill, and you can’t beat a grilled burger hot off the grill. Yum!

Beef Stroganoff

I could count the number of times Will has cooked supper on one hand. He is just not the cook around here. But one night, I was running very late from getting the kids home from practice, and I asked Will if he could fix supper. I had everything set out, even the cookbook, all he had to do was follow the directions. And we came home to a piping hot meal of beef stroganoff and it was the best thing I’ve ever eaten. (Probably because I didn’t have to prepare it. All food is better if someone else cooks it!)

Anyway, the recipe he used called for ground beef instead of sliced sirloin, but you use any recipe you’d like. And don’t leave out the mushrooms! It’s not beef stroganoff without the mushrooms.

Hamburger, Beans and Barbeque Sauce

The name says it all. If you’re looking for a meal you can have on the table in 15 minutes, this is it. You just brown a package of hamburger, add beans (I often use regular old pork and beans), add barbeque sauce till it’s the consistency you like, and serve. You could also add bacon or mushrooms or various types of beans; you can’t go wrong. I usually serve this with plain potato chips and green beans. Again, it’s one of those meals you can have on the table in hurry.

I hope you’ve found something that sounds good for supper tonight!