Over Labor Day weekend, we got a lot of rain. A LOT of rain!!! Diagonal usually has a truck and tractor pull Sunday and Monday. Well, this year since we got all this rain they unfortunately had to cancel the pull and other activities. Of course that didn’t stop anyone! They came up with new activities that included the mud.
First we had the parade.
Then the kids went out and had a mud ball fight! I really wanted to join but most of the adults looked at me as if I was crazy! But later on there were more adults out there then kids so I should have just gone!
Poor Jessica got hit by a mud ball meant for someone else. So after this the girls thought they might as well get out there, what’s more mud anyways?
When they went out they went all out! Love these girls!
Emma wasn’t as happy about being covered in mud. And then I threw her in the dunk tank to get her cleaned seconds before she had to pedal her heart out in the pedal pull, which she placed third!
This made her happy again.
And this very handsome boy made it in the dunk tank as well and then placed first in the pedal pull!
Thanks to everyone who came up with the fun and games over Labor Day weekend! My kids had a blast, it will be one to remember!