Nevada Trip Part 4 by: Lindsay Hays

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On the last day we went to Hoover Dam. We were going to go on the tours that go down into it, but the elevators had broken down and they were ordering a part for it. Needless to say, we didn’t go on the tours. We still had a good time looking at it from the outside though!

It was really big! We walked around the edge and stopped fairly often to look over. While we stopped, it wasn’t uncommon that Aunt Carolyn would tell us a story about something. I think that was one of the best parts; all the stories Aunt Carolyn had to tell.

They built a new bridge here recently so all the traffic didn’t have to go across Hoover Dam with all the tourists slowing up traffic. We went up on the bridge, and walked on it, too.

This picture shows some of the quantities of what was used.

Here’s the view from the bridge. We were pretty high up!

Some of us didn’t like heights (which was pretty much all of us girls), but we had these boys to comfort us. Not really. They picked on us more than anything. It actually wasn’t too bad up there. It would vibrate a little when a semi-truck went by, that was the only bad part.

Here’s a pretty cactus blooming.

One of Aunt Carolyn’s neighbors came over to meet us all, and she took a picture for us. We had all showered and started packing our bags to leave early the next morning. We all hope that Aunt Carolyn had as much fun as we did so we can go visit her again sometime.

Aunt Carolyn did a lot to make this trip awesome! She made a lot of food ahead of time, which tasted great. She probably got asked 300 questions a day (I’m not joking), and made us feel right at home. THANK YOU, Aunt Carolyn for inviting us down there! I hope you got all rested up.

Hope everyone has a great day!