Pop Quiz

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

I got to watch my sweet nephews a couple weekends ago while Heather went to a wedding.  Oh, did we have fun!  And I remembered one of the things I love about kids that age…their word pronunciations!  You know, like when they say, “I wub you Mom.”  And “I weally, weally need to go!”  Stuff like that.  Mom’s know exactly what their dear children are saying, but aunts?  Not so much.

So this morning, I’m going to give you four words that I heard over the weekend and you must determine what they are.  You really must.  The fate of the universe depends on it.  This is serious stuff we’re discussing this morning.  Ready?

  1. Ceeveedee
  2. Hughnormous
  3. Hanggummer
  4. Plas stick

Got ‘em figured out?  Okay, I’ll use them in a sentence.

  1. “Aunt Bon, can we watch a ceeveedee?”
  2. “That bull is hughnormous!”
  3. “Let’s have hanggummers for supper tonight.”
  4. “Do you have any plas stick? I keep doing this with my lips?”  He said as he licked his lips.

That gave them away, didn’t it?  Well, here are the answers…

  1. Ceeveedee=DVD
  2. Hughnormous=Huge
  3. Hanggummer=Hamburger
  4. Plas sitck=Chap stick

How did you do?  Did you have them all figured out?

It was so much fun hanging out with those guys.

And I want to leave you with some words of wisdom from my 6-year-old nephew.  Rhett was talking about needing to get his homework done but that he would really rather go hunting, and here is what Ty said to him so seriously: “Rhett, you know what I say?  If you don’t get it done, just do it next week.”

Profound.  Who knew a six-year-old could be so philosophical?

And I must say, I have implored that logic several times this week.  Lol.