(Matt wrote a blog about a day’s work on his ranch. He took the pictures and everything. I thought I’d share.)
We started sorting the bulls and it was going well. We got the first one on the trailer and the second one was coming.
Then, out of nowhere, the second bull hit Festus and threw him over the fence. Festus should have known this bull was looking to fight the other bull, but we all make mistakes.Then when he got Wayne up there, he was headed to the feedlot. I got some other bulls I can use it isn’t worth it. Then I caught him and dragged him on the trailer. It was all fine after that, and we kept on going.
Then when he got Wayne up there, he was headed to the feedlot. I got some other bulls I can use it isn’t worth it.
Then I caught him and dragged him on the trailer. It was all fine after that, and we kept on going.
Then I was in the wrong place and the bull was headed at me!
Then Cody saved the day and heeled him!
Then he somehow got up and pulled my horse down and shoved Cody’s horse down and was getting ready to run him over!
Then Ty and Jake come in and roped the bull and dragged him off before he got to any of us! Praise the Lord!
We worked together and got him on that trailer.
We started up the road and headed for the feedlot so they could be fat for the next breeding session. Except the bad bull.
They unloaded good and headed to the pen. We sorted the bad bull off and put him in the pen to feed out, and put one of the better bulls from that pen in the herd bull pen.
We got the gates closed and headed back to put everything away.
We unsaddled the horses and put the tack away.
Cody put his horse way.
His horse wanted to take a role.
We turned into the driveway tired and wore out.