We sold a load of Larson steers a couple weeks ago.
You may remember me telling you about when we turned them out on the cover crop back in October.
No? You don’t remember? Huh. I was sure it would be etched in the forefront of your mind…
Anyway, here they are all grown up and ready to go!
See the guy with the white face? He was my pick. I loved that big guy. He had a twin brother named Bullet…
Remember him?
He was Tate’s bottle calf. He grew up big and strong, too.
Anyway, we sold the steers to Iowa Premium Beef and were very happy with how they sold. We use Werner Family Angus high efficiency bulls and couldn’t be happier with the results. The calves grow fast (which makes money) with a minimum amount of feed (which makes more money) and finish with quality carcasses (which makes even more money.) It’s a win-win! Werner Bulls Work!
Okay, that was my sales pitch. What did you think? Too pushy? Never mind. Don’t answer that. Lol.
Have a great day!