After the birthday party Friday night…
It was decided that all the “older kids” would spend the night at our house. We had a busy day Saturday with kids needing to go in several different directions so we thought it would just be easier to have everyone centrally located. And I was so excited that I got to have everyone! It had been a long time…like several years…since I’ve had all the kids at my house.
And ooohhhh what a good time we had. The girls sat up talking about… well, you really don’t want to know what we talked about. It all started with Lindsay telling us about this little boy in her nursery class at church getting sick, and then it was pretty much downhill from there. I even tried to change the subject a couple times, but to no avail.
We all had to get up early, so we couldn’t stay up too late, but in the morning, we got Abby and Ashtyn to the bus for the archery shoot, Lindsay up to Aunt Heather’s to help with the kids, Rhett, Jessica, and I to a basketball tournament, and Matt and Cody took off for parts unknown.
I love that we get to spend so much time together. It completes me!
Enjoy the beautiful day!