(Note: Beck and Craig went to New Zealand this week to train a group of people on how to collect ultrasound images. This is an email she sent to the kids about their travels.)
Craig got on the computer this morning and figured out that we would go to Akaroa, about 90 minutes southeast of Christchurch, New Zealand. Boy, am I glad he did!
I was his not-so-trusty co-pilot. Yikes!
We saw some beautiful countryside. The roads were very curvy. I laughed at some point when there was a sign warning us of curvy roads ahead. I said something along the lines of “do they know what we have been driving on? And now, they say curvy ahead.” Well, the laugh was on me. The roads got very curvy and mountainous. Craig has a not-so-flattering video of my reaction to the roads.
We went on a cruise that took us through a beautiful bay and out onto the ocean. AMAZING!!!
I added layers as we went and ended up with a long sleeve shirt, two of my jackets and one of Craig’s.
Pictures just don’t do the scenery justice.
Several hector dolphins came up around the boat and swam there for quite some time. They were so close! The whole trip I was singing “Amazing God.” I’m not sure how one can see His creation and not see His fingerprints everywhere.
We ate lunch on a boardwalk. Fresh fish caught today. It was tasty.
I’ll close with this. It was a wonderful day! Hope you had a good day, too. Off to see some cattle tomorrow and meet people.