Swimming Fun

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

By: Lindsay Hays

In between long hours of working cattle, hauling haylage, or running to baseball and softball games we have managed to slip a little fun in.   I was planning on showing you all the work that has been going on around the farm, but Aunt Bon has the camera with her right now so I don’t have any of those pictures.  Oh well!  You get to see what we kids might do on an afternoon off!

Swimming! And to add to the fun , Ainsley got to come up from Maryville for a couple of days. (We know her family from when we lived in Maryville.) It was these 5 that I was keeping an eye on. I’m not really a life guard but with the help of a 5 gallon bucket (with the lid on of course), some twine, and a couple of trusty dogs we kept these guys safe. Thankfully we didn’t have to test our skills, and I got to have a fun time watching these guys!

So what all do you play in a pond??? Well I’ll have these guys show you!

Mud fights… Lots of those.

Slip and slides!

Some pretty epic splash wars! (Never mind the color of the water!)

And just when you think you’ve run out of ideas… a few more come!

These guys had a great time playing! It’s a nice little way to cool off and have some fun! Tomorrow I’ll show you what’s been keeping everyone busy around here!

Have a wonderful day!