
Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

By Heather

We have had new babies on the ground for a week now but it has just been too cold for me to get out there and take pictures of them. I asked Joe if he could take pictures while he was tagging them and he didn’t think that was something he could manage. So here we are 50 some babies later and finally getting some pictures. Now while you look at the pictures remember that I had one kid strapped to me and one on each knee most the time while trying to do this. So they may not be perfect.

When we got out there Joe would catch the new baby to get ready to tag. Ty would pick out the correct tag, which is a great way to work on his numbers and letters.

Then Joe would put the tag in the ear and then give the calf their vaccination and then weigh them and let them go. On the tag it goes sire on the top, calf in the middle and dam on the bottom.

After Joe finishes the mama comes and checks to make sure her baby is alright.

And then off they go to get as far away from Joe as they can get.

It was a little windy out but otherwise a great day! I hope the nice weather sticks around this time!