Trip to Grandma Lois’s

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

Sunday we took a drive up to see Grandma Lois. We didn’t get to see her much on Christmas while she was down, so we took dinner up to her and had a nice visit with her and Uncle Dave.

Everyone did very well on the way there. They were happy, but Emma didn’t make it very far.

Lindsay helped me get everything around the night before so we had everything cooking in the crockpot on the way.

The kids played when we got there. Lindsay always is a big help, she is so good with the kids that I am not needed! I got to visit while she kept them entertained.

We all got nice and full and were ready for nap time!

It could have just been me ready for nap time. Ty showed Grandma Lois how he can spell his name and then the kids got started playing a game.

Ty was the last kid to fall asleep on the way home. We all had a great time and I hope Grandma and Dave did too!