Weighing Calves

Werner Family AngusUncategorized

It seems like Christmas time is a busy time around here. Not just because of all the shopping, eating, and gathering with family, but because this is a time we usually have a lot of cattle to work.

It seems like Christmas time is a busy time around here. Not just because of all the shopping, eating, and gathering with family, but because this is a time we usually have a lot of cattle to work.

The calves had been running out on pasture so we brought them all up to the barn to work them.

I truly enjoy getting to work cattle with my family. No, it’s true! I do! Now, there may have been one time yesterday when Will made a kind suggestion on how I could improve my efficiency at running the chute that I may have gotten a little hot under the collar. But I bit my tongue and didn’t spout off the one or two things I thought maybe he could do a little differently to help the cattle flow. And after I reflected on Will’s comment and took his advice, I’ll be darned if it didn’t work better. Huh.

That’s one thing about working with family, we are definitely not shy in offering advice…for better or worse!

But at the end of the day, I really do feel blessed to get to do a job I love with my family that I love. It just doesn’t get any better than that!

Have a great day!