We worked the Larson calves yesterday. And I love to work the Larson calves because I love to see how they’re growing. These calves are commercial cavles sired by Werner Family Angus bulls. And, not to brag or anything, but these calves flat out grow.
Last year, we weaned the calves the second of September and sold them April 19th weighing 1355 pounds. These calves were just at a year of age and their average daily gain from weaning to harvest was 3.87 pounds. Their feed conversion from weaning to harvest was 4.95 pounds of feed to 1 pound of gain. The industry average for feed conversion is 6 pounds of feed to one pound of gain so our calves ate about 20% less than the average calf in the industry. I get so excited about that because efficiecny is what we have been testing and selecting for and it is paying off! Literally. I mean, imagine 20% off your feed costs for the year!
Not only were the calves efficient, but they graded well too. 92.5% graded Choice or higher with 45% of those CAB or Prime. And 90% of the calves were Yield Grade three or lower. (And for those of you unfamiliar with grading, the higher the quality of the carcass (Choice or above) the more you get paid. And the lower the yield grade, the more you get paid.)
So to say these calves knocked it out of the park would be an understatement. And I appologize, because, obviouly, I am bragging. But I just get so excited seeing these calves perform so well!
Anyway, tomorrow I’ll get back to my normal mode of just showing you what’s going on around the place. So thank you for listening to my advertisement for Werner Family Angus bulls. Lol.
Werner Bulls Work!
Have a great day!
And if you are interested in purchasing a Werner bull for your operation, please check out our Bulls for Sale page.
Okay. I’m done now….I think.