Working the Larson Calves

Bonnie LarsonUncategorized

We worked the Larson calves last week.  It’s been very hot, so we worked the cattle early in the morning when it was still cool.

The first day, it was Matt…


And Will to gather the cows.  (Plus me, but I get easily distracted by taking pictures.)

So everyone was very happy to see this guy show up.  He’d been to weight lifting but got home as soon as he could.  Plus, he recruited his cousin to help, unfortunately, I was slacking on my job as photographer and forgot to take his picture.  Sorry, Cody!

Once we got the cattle to the pens, the boys sorted the cows and calves and drove them to the alley.

We were just working the calves so it’s easier to have them sorted.

I’m curious as to what is being said here.  I’m guessing it’s something along the lines of, “Great job, brother!” Don’t you think?

These horses are father (on the right) and son (on the left).  I see a family resemblance.

After we got the calves worked, we moved them back out to pasture where they can live happily ever after.

Have a great day!